Blocking Dirty Oil Infrastructure

In Setback for Enbridge, PUC Rules Line 3 Review is Inadequate

Whether it moves by pipeline, by rail, or by tanker, tar sands and other oil is polluting, highly combustible, and dangerous to communities and our climate. In order to avert the worst of the climate crisis and protect our communities from devastating explosions and oil spills, we must stop the industry from building any new oil infrastructure. After more than a decade of advocacy, legal challenges, and organizing in partnership with local communities along the pipeline route and across the country, we successfully blocked the proposed Keystone XL tar sands pipeline. Now we are continuing to apply those same tools to winning fights against other pipelines, oil train terminals, and oil export facilities across the country.

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August 18, 2020

Opponents of Enbridge’s proposed Line 3 pipeline filed a lawsuit with the Court of Appeals today challenging the Public Utilities Commission’s (PUC) approval of permits for the project.

17 de agosto de 2020

Se espera hoy que el Departamento del Interior dé un paso más para celebrar una subasta de arrendamientos en la delicada planicie costera del Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre del Artico.

August 14, 2020

Innovative Policy in L.A. County Could Ignite Just Transition While Protecting Residents From a Legacy of Toxic Emissions 

August 13, 2020

Kinder Morgan CEO Steve Kean announced yesterday that the company plans to reroute the controversial Permian Highway fracked gas pipeline to go around the Blanco River, in response to public outrage over a spill during pipeline construction, the impacts of which Kinder Morgan has repeatedly downplayed, that left Blanco County residents without clean drinking water.

August 11, 2020

NC DEQ rejected the Mountain Valley Pipeline’s efforts to extend into North Carolina

July 30, 2020

The Trump administration issued a new permit yesterday that would allow the Keystone pipeline -- part of the pipeline system that would include the controversial proposed Keystone XL -- to increase capacity by 170,000 barrels of oil per day.

July 28, 2020

Tomorrow, Donald Trump is scheduled to speak at an oil rig in Midland, Texas. Trump is expected to tout his administration’s attacks on key environmental protections, with the goal of propping up the oil and gas industry at the expense of local communities that will be subjected to increased air and water pollution.

July 27, 2020

An audit of the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission’s public participation process, released today by the Office of the Legislative Auditor, found that the PUC mishandled public hearings on Enbridge’s controversial Line 3 tar sands pipeline.

July 27, 2020

Local landowners are reporting that Kinder Morgan has had yet another spill of drilling fluid this weekend during construction of its Permian Highway fracked gas pipeline under the Pedernales River.

July 16, 2020

As one of California’s largest oil producers enters bankruptcy, the Center for Biological Diversity and Sierra Club today urged Gov. Gavin Newsom to prevent California Resources Corporation and other troubled oil companies from shirking legal obligations to clean up their wells and prevent pollution.