Contact Your State Senator and Representative About These Bills in April, 2024

Three bills are working their way through the legislative session that address air pollution from oil and gas operations. They are SB24-165: Air Quality Improvements, SB24-166: Air Quality Enforcement, and HB24-1330, Air Quality Permitting. Please fill out this Colorado Sierra Club form to generate a letter to your State Senator and Representative to urge them to support these bills: .

Also, Bill HB24-1352, Appliance Requirements & Incentives, will require distributors to sell low-cost, energy-saving two-way heat pumps rather than traditional high-cost traditional air-conditioning units. Please fill out this Colorado Sierra Club form to generate a letter to your State Senator and Representative to urge them to support this bill: .

Lastly, the Colorado Sierra Club supports a wetlands protection bill, HB24-1379: Regulate Dredge & Fill Activities, that is being sponsored by our State Senator Dylan Roberts and Speaker of the House and State Legislator, Julie McCluskie. Please write or call them both to thank them for sponsoring this bill.

Dylan Roberts, 303-866-4871,

Julie McCluskie, 303-866-2952,

Three bills are working their way through the legislative session that address air pollution from oil and gas operations. They are SB24-165: Air Quality Improvements, SB24-166: Air Quality Enforcement, and HB24-1330, Air Quality Permitting. Please fill out this Colorado Sierra Club form to generate a letter to your State Senator and Representative to urge them to support these bills: .

Also, Bill HB24-1352, Appliance Requirements & Incentives, will require distributors to sell low-cost, energy-saving two-way heat pumps rather than traditional high-cost traditional air-conditioning units. Please fill out this Colorado Sierra Club form to generate a letter to your State Senator and Representative to urge them to support this bill: .

Lastly, the Colorado Sierra Club supports a wetlands protection bill, HB24-1379: Regulate Dredge & Fill Activities, that is being sponsored by our State Senator Dylan Roberts and Speaker of the House and State Legislator, Julie McCluskie. Please write or call them both to thank them for sponsoring this bill.

Dylan Roberts, 303-866-4871,

Julie McCluskie, 303-866-2952,

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