The Headwaters Group focuses on Wilderness, Wildlife, Water and Weeds. Additionally, we have secured Ready for 100 commitments for Breck, Frisco and Summit County. Adding to our advocacy and educational programs, we get on the ground by keeping our adopted Highway 9 clean, restoring riparian areas as well as fun and educational outings.
Executive Committee |
Chair | Kent Abernethy |
Vice-Chair | - vacant - |
Treasurer | Frank Lilly |
Conservation Chair | Rose Pray |
Outings Chair | - vacant - |
Political Chair | Pam Bradley |
ExCom Member | Nancy Hassinger |
ExCom Legislative Lead | Beth Groundwater |
Delegate | - vacant - |
Delegate/Secretary | Joyce Delvin Mosher |
ExCom at Large | Patti McLaughlin |
ExCom at Large | Marge Schweri |
The Headwaters Group’s new Executive Committee was formed on April 2nd 2015. The ExCom is composed of former Blue River Group members and new Sierra Club members.
The ExCom will work to promote conservation, with a focus on Wilderness, Wildlife, Water and Weeds. Our Wolf Campaign is where much of our energy and momentum is directed.
The Sierra Club provides an array of resources for the Headwaters Group’s ExCom to promote conservation efforts in Summit, Eagle and Grand Counties. Both the Colorado Chapter and the National Sierra Club have staff, program experts, and volunteers with specific expertise to advance our conservation efforts. In addition, the ExCom and Headwaters Group will collaborate and support local entities working toward similar goals.
With 500+ members the ExCom will strive to activate and energize our membership, providing a means for our Group to have a greater impact locally.
To become a member of the Headwaters Group, simply JOIN the Sierra Club with an address that resides in Summit, Eagle or Grand County, Colorado. This also applies when renewing your Sierra Club membership.
Sierra Club: Explore, Enjoy and Protect the Planet
To practice and promote the responsible use of the earth and ecosystems and resources; to educate and enlist humanity to protect and restore the quality of the natural and human environment. Combatting Climate Change is the Number One Priority!
The Sierra Club is the nation's largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization with over 2.4 Million Members and Supporters.