The Expansion of Route 17

The $1.4 billion dollar proposal to widen Route 17 from two to three lanes in both directions between exit 131 (Harriman) and exit 113 (Wurtsboro) that has the support of Governor Hochul and the New York State Department of Transportation, will create more traffic congestion, worsen air quality and burden taxpayers. Moreover, the proposal is contrary to New York State's responsibilities under the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act of 2019 (CLCPA).

The Sierra Club, with the unanimous votes of three separate Sierra Groups in the Hudson Valley region impacted by Route 17 opposes this unnecessary highway expansion and has joined other area environmental groups including Catskill Mountainkeeper, Scenic Hudson and others, in support of an alternative plan to Re-Think Route 17.

The Re-Think Route 17 coalition supports better use of these federal and state taxpayer dollars to increase public transportation options for the Hudson Valley region to provide residents with safe and environmentally friendly means to access work, schools, and shopping centers in a more reliable and affordable way.

A feasibility study, known as the Route 17 PEL Report, was issued in 2021 by NYSDOT. This study does not adequately consider public transportation planning that would achieve needed transportation goals without burdening disadvantaged communities or harming sensitive ecological areas. The Route 17 PEL Report erroneously includes that adding a third lane in each direction will reduce GHG emissions, while it excludes bus rapid transit and accessible public transportation options. Mid-Hudson Sierra, along with our Sierra Group neighbors in Lower Hudson and the Susquehanna Groups, and in concert with partner environmental organizations such as Catskill Mountainkeeper and Scenic Hudson, are concerned about the environmental impacts and the necessity to fund this proposed $1.4 billion dollar project. A third lane will increase traffic and congestion and cause millions of tons of additional CO2 emissions with a now six-lane highway. This is neither smart nor sustainable economic growth.

The Mid-Hudson Sierra Group will work to promote wiser use of $1.4 billion dollars of taxpayer funds for the transportation needs of the Hudson Valley. Lane expansion of Route 17 is not necessary. The current proposal must undergo a full and complete environmental impact study (EIS) along with an opportunity for public comment. This process will extend into calendar year 2026.

The proposed expansion of Route 17 is one of the worst ways to spend $1.4 billion dollars of public funds. It will cause economic and health related harm to residents, and to our beautiful and priceless natural heritage in New York. Please join the Mid-Hudson Group of the Sierra Club and our environmental partners in working to Re-Think Route 17 and move from unnecessary highway expansion to a much needed increase in public transportation that is both safe and affordable for all residents of New York State.