If you are interested in joining an outing, go to our Mid-Hudson Group Meetup page. We post outings and track attendees on the Meetup website. By joining the Meetup group you will receive automatic emails when new outings are announced; and you can choose to join an outing by clicking on the RSVP button in the email. If you want to get outdoors with us, we urge you to join the Meetup group. There is no cost or obligation, and your information is kept confidential.
The Sierra Club runs outings both in the United States as well as around the world. These trips are run be volunteers who are trained to provide a safe and enjoyable trip experience. Trips are usually kept to around 8-12 participants. To find a trip that is right for you visit: https://content.sierraclub.
Here in the northeast there are many trips that are within a days drive from the Mid-Hudson region. Have a great outdoor experience without flying. CLICK HERE to view a complete list of these local trips.
Leaders Wanted
We are seeking Sierra Club members who want to share their love of the outdoors. New Outing Leaders are needed. An outing can be a day of photography, bird watching, hiking up a mountain, kayaking a creek, or walking an estate - whatever you want to share. Contact us through our general email address: midhudsonsierra@twc.com.
When | Earliest: Latest: |
What |
Word or Phrase | Word or phrase to search for: |
Leader | All or part of leader name to search for: |
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The Lower Hudson Group offers outings/hikes that you are welcome to join
Click Here for information and to sign up
Photos from our 2024 walk on the Walkway Over the Hudson.
Photos by Karen Schoemer