[conservation] BLM's "Virtual Public Meetings" for Comments on Military Use of 2600 sq miles of Public Lands (in Barry M. Goldwater Range)... [more]

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On May 26 and 28 -- the BLM has scheduled two virtual public meetings to gather public comments on the two land withdrawal applications for the proposed extension of the current land withdrawal, and the addition of 2,366 acres to the BMGR.

The US Air Force and US Marine Corps have identified a continuing need to use the Barry M. Goldwater Range (BMGR) for military training and have filed a land withdrawal application with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to reauthorize the current land withdrawal, which expires in October 2024. The BLM is processing the military agencies’ request to extend the current BMGR reservation of 1,659,365 acres of public lands. The Air Force has also filed a land withdrawal application to add 2,366 acres of public lands east and southeast of the Gila Bend Air Force Auxiliary Field to the BMGR. The military agencies are also preparing a legislative environmental impact statement (LEIS) to evaluate the environmental impacts of both land withdrawal proposals. 

When/How to Participate:

The BLM’s virtual public meetings are now open for pre-registration. By pre-registering, you will be provided a link to participate in the meeting and you can sign up to provide a verbal comment during the meeting. Persons who sign up to offer a comment will be prioritized over those who did not pre-register. Most fields in the pre-registration form are optional. You do not need to download software to join the meeting.

 You may also attend one or both meetings without pre-registration by clicking the links below at the meeting date/time. For more information, please visit the BMGR Project Website at https:/barry-m-goldwater-leis.com. Both meetings will be live captioned, recorded, and posted to the BMGR Project Website.

 Click Here for the Virtual Public Meeting on Tuesday, May 26, 5 p.m. 

Click Here for the Virtual Public Meeting on Thursday, May 28, 3 p.m. 

 You may also call in (toll free) to the virtual public meetings, but phone participants will not see the presentation unless you download or request it in advance. The call-in information follows:

US: (833) 568 8864
May 26, 2020 Meeting ID: 161 6870276

May 28, 2020 Meeting ID: 160 193 5200

 How to Provide Comments:

The deadline for providing comments to the BLM on the land withdrawal applications is July 20, 2020. 

§  Email: BLM_AZ_AZSO_BMGRWithdrawal@blm.gov

§  Mail:   BLM Arizona State Office, Attn: Eddie Arreola, One North Central Avenue, Suite 800, Phoenix, AZ 85004.

§  Fax: 602-417-9454

§  BMGR Project Website Contact Form

§  BMGR Project Website Contact Form – Spanish

 Please Help Us to Spread the Word:

An informed and engaged public will help the BLM perform a thorough review and analysis of the two land withdrawal applications for the BMGR. You can help by sharing this email with others who may be interested.


Please use the Contact Form on the BMGR Project Website if you have questions or would like to request additional information or meeting materials. You may also contact Eddie Arreola, Supervisory Project Manager, by phone: 602-417-9505 or email: earreola@blm.gov or mail at the above address. 

 Privacy Disclosure:

Before including your address, phone number, email address, or other personal identifying information in your comment, you should be aware that your entire comment, including your personal identifying information, may be publicly available at any time. While you can ask us in your comment to withhold your personal identifying information from public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so.

-- Sandy Bahr, Chapter Director

Sierra Club - Grand Canyon Chapter

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