Fire Recovery: Gear for Advanced Mountaineering Program

One of the homes lost in the LA fires contained all the gear for the Sierra Club's Advanced Mountaineering Program. The nylon ropes, climbing harnesses, backpacks and tarps didn't stand a chance in the flames. 

The home where AMP gear was stored
AMP gear was stored in this house belonging to
one of our leaders. 

You can help the Advanced Mountaineering Program purchase new gear. Thanks to discounts from kind suppliers, the program estimates they need $7,000 to fully replace the gear and run the course as planned this spring. Any excess funds made via this link will support our Leadership Training Program more broadly. 

Donate at

This gear is also used for our Leadership Training rock skills practice/check off events for the M and E rating. 

Advanced Mountaineering Course (AMP) is a 36 hour instructional rock climbing and mountaineering technique course, part of the Angeles Chapter of the Sierra Club. The course is limited to Sierra Club members who are on a leadership track with the Club. The course consists of four classes and is held twice a year in Spring and Fall. 

The course begins basic safety systems and knots involved in rock climbing. This is followed by eight-hour workshops the following two Saturdays focused on safe belay and rappelling techniques.

The last class is a full weekend at an outdoor climbing destination.  One day focuses on anchor building and the next day the staff sets up a multistage course including a 3rd and 4th class climb with a top belay, traversing a fixed line, and finally rappelling back to the ground. 

The skills taught are all based on AMGA standards and are the perfect preparation for the Angeles Chapter rock checkoffs required to achieve the M or E ratings.  The goal is to produce safer climbers by exposing students to a broad spectrum of modern climbing techniques and skills. The enthusiastic responses from students indicate that the course is accomplishing this and so much more. Many students from previous courses continue on to lead for Sierra Club or successfully complete the Southern California Mountaineers Association (SCMA) Basic Rock Climbing Safety Skills Course and move on to multi-pitch climbing.

Learn more at:

AMP class

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