About the Angeles Chapter

Beginning Our Second Hundred Years Of Activism for the Environment

On November 1, 1911, 75 Sierra Club members gathered in downtown Los Angeles to sign a petition calling for the creation of a "Southern California Section," the first local chapter in the history of the organization that John Muir founded in San Francisco in 1892.

Today, the Sierra Club Angeles Chapter covers Los Angeles and Orange Counties and includes 13 regional groups (organized by geographical area) and 32 outdoor activity sections and committees (organized by interest). Chapter coordination and oversight is provided by an elected volunteer Executive Committee which oversees chapter staff. Hundreds of volunteer leaders work across our region to advance our priorities.

Together, we offer a wide array of activities to engage members and the general public in efforts to explore, enjoy and protect our shared environment.

Sierra Club Core Values

In order to be more responsible and accountable allies as individuals and as a Sierra Club community at large, we commit ourselves to living out our five values: anti-racism, balance, collaboration, justice, and transformation. These values drive the decisions we make as we fight for the livable planet we all deserve. Learn more about our values in detail at www.sierraclub.org/sierra-club-values.
  • Anti-Racism: We commit to shifting power away from white supremacy, repairing harm, and ending structural racism.
  • Balance: Our effectiveness comes from committing to caring for ourselves and others.
  • Collaboration: We believe in just relationships that support collective work.
  • Justice: We are accountable for our actions, our work, and how we show up with trust and respect.
  • Transformation: We commit to changing our relationships to power, privilege, and oppression—for ourselves and for the organization.

Contact Information

Sierra Club, Angeles Chapter
617 W. 7th St, Suite 702
Los Angeles, CA 90017

phone: (213) 728-7543

e-mail: angeles.sierraclub@gmail.com

Office Hours: 10 to 5, Mon through Fri
(closed holidays)


[Header photos: City Overlook NR2, ©Jane Simpson, lower photo ©Bob Cates, all rights reserved]



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