Angeles Chapter Water Committee Celebrates World Water Day March 22nd 2022

What is World Water Day?

World Water Day has been celebrated by the United Nations annually since 1993 to shine the spotlight on water use, water conservation, water innovation and the lack of access to water in many countries. Wars have been waged over water.
Believe it or not, even here in the Sunshine State this problem exists, though the State of California passed Assembly Bill 685 in 2012, designating that every person in California has the right to clean, affordable and safe drinking water. California is the first state in the Nation to legislate that idea. The state has even developed a human right to water data tool to track progress. It may surprise you to know as many as 1 million people in the State lack access to that basic human right.

The Water Committee tirelessly champions for water equity across the board, whether insisting on Tribal representation, fighting water rate hikes or disastrous harmful projects.

2021 was no exception. Allow me to share some highlights:

  • We continue to oppose the Poseidon Ocean Desalination Project, we have written many articles that can be found on this website on this topic.
  • With the aid of Sierra Club California staffer Caty Wagner, we continue our robust presence and mixed relationship with Metropolitan Water District (MWD) where we support local water projects and a bigger conservation budget but oppose the proposed Sites Reservoir and the Delta Conveyance. 
  • Played an outsized role in the selection of the GM and standing up for victims of harassment and abuse at MWD. 
  • We soundly defeated AB 1591 Garcia/Rendon, a bill that would seek to consolidate West Basin Municipal Water District, Central Basin Municipal Water District and Water Replenishment District.
  • Brought about change at West Basin Municipal Water District, by keeping up constant pressure on the board to dismiss the GM
  • With the outing of the GM - we won on a 3/2 vote thereby shutting down the proposed West Basin Ocean Desal Project
  • The Biden Administration reverses the Trump ruling on Cadiz, once again setting the project back
  • Submitted comments and collaborated with many of our community partners on projects and campaigns
  • Along with our coalition partners won a victory at the CA Coastal Commission to include ocean desalination projects  under the designation of  critical water infrastructure
  • We launched our new water website:
  • And we’re hoping to finalize the investigative report on the West Hollywood sub-basin, finalize and add a few more games to the water website and launch the Water Quality Scorecard
  • We continue our focus on environmental and social justice in water equity and to that end we continue to foster relationships with Tribal communities
  • Weekly volunteer Stop the Delta Tunnel Working Group meetings, with appreciation night games, hosted by Caty Wagner are a special treat, meeting every Wednesday at 6pm. RSVP here!

The Water Committee meets on the 4th Thursday of every month excluding November and December, when we meet on alternate days. Join our water discussions here to stay in the water know!

Charming is the Chair of the Angeles Chapter Water Committee and Co-Chair of the SierraClub CA Water Committee.

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