April 1, 2021
Deserts surrounding Los Angeles:
When the name Los Angeles is heard, people from outside southern California immediately see images of smog, traffic, museums, and social problems. Those of us who live here, know better. Los Angeles County includes dozens of cities, and even more communities that are distinct for their ethnic composition, their geographic features, their economic base, and yes, social problems. Even those living here may forget that Los Angeles is a desert city, in its history, in its more distant geographic extent, and perhaps more strongly in its connections with farther parts of the state. We import water from Owens Valley and the Colorado River basin. We import electrical power from Arizona, Nevada, and even Utah. We export . . . shall I say it, smog and tourists. Although we do not live among sand dunes in the city, the real desert is very much present in our lives.
The Desert Report is a quarterly publication of one of the subcommittees of the California Conservation Committee of the Sierra Club. Its concern is with conservation in the desert - flora, fauna, cultures, and wildlands. Twenty-four pages long, it is sent free of charge to state and federal legislators for both California and Nevada, to many administrators in desert areas, and to a great many individuals who wish to be informed about these places and their issues. The Desert Report contains no advertising, is entirely the work of volunteers. Printing costs are supported by donations. If you wish to be included in the circulation, send your request with name, postal address, and (optional) email to Stacy Goss.