March 29, 2021
In the early 1970’s, Angeles Chapter outings folks saw a need to standardize training and safety management for its hugely popular - and growing - outings program. The result was a first in the Sierra Club: a Leadership Training Committee (LTC), to train candidates, and a Safety Committee to develop policies, grant ratings to leaders and investigate incidents.
Over the last 50 years, thousands of Angeles Chapter outings leaders have passed through the process, attaining the O, I, M, E ratings that are unique to our program. Along the way, the National Sierra Club developed its own Outings Leadership Training for its leaders. Known as OLT101 and 201, the principles common to ours and National’s exist to affirm the best practices of Outings leadership.

2019 Leadership Training Seminar at Stoneview Nature Center by Jane Simpson
LTC welcomes members and non-members alike to its seminars and some events. Everybody starts by reading LTC’s Leader’s Reference Book (LRB), submitting an exam and attending the Leadership Training Seminar. Some attendees are there to get going on their rating and some are there to learn how to take friends and family more safely on private adventures.
Skills events, offered throughout the year, give prospective leaders the chance to advance to higher ratings. Rock and Snow require Sierra Club membership, while Navigation does not. You can practice and test yourself, whether you are going for a rating or just wanting to up your skills as a participant. Each event has its own leader contacts and attendance requirements.
During the last year, LTC has been busy turning its seminars virtual, via Zoom. After two successful seminars, LTC is contemplating ways to continue to use a shorter, more condensed format, possibly alongside an in-person component for the future. Coming soon will be the new “OLT” (Outings Leadership Training) materials from National which will have a strong equity and inclusivity base which LTC will incorporate into its own program.
While we await reopening in-person outings and LTC’s other trainings such as checkoffs and the Advanced Mountaineering Program, Navigation has continued in the virtual space under the creative mind of LTC’s Navigation Chair, Bob Myers. While past navigation events have taken place in desert locales such as the Wildland Conservancy’s Mission Creek Preserve and Joshua Tree, LTC is continuing to offer only virtual events for now. Coming up on April 24th will be another virtual navigation workshop. Sign up two weeks in advance by contacting Bob Myers at
Online Navigation Training: Click here
Leadership training website: Click here