ExComm Officers Bulletin

As it does each year, the Executive Committee of the Angeles Chapter has named its officers for 2021. 
Electing Dennis Loya as Chair—Dennis’s immediate priorities are reopening outings safely, and growing membership. 
Electing Dyana Peña as Vice-Chair, with Marcia Hanscom appointed as Assistant Vice-Chair.
Electing Jason Islas as Secretary, with Lynne Plambeck appointed as Assistant Secretary.
Cherry Postic was re-elected as Treasurer. 
Dennis becomes the first Latino to hold the position of Chair in the Chapter’s 109-year history. Angeles is proud to see its leadership better reflect the local communities it works so hard to protect. The Chapter’s Executive Committee is democratically elected by the Chapter’s membership and serves the Chapter’s 140 thousand members and supporters.
Welcome our new officers in the comment section below!

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