SoCal Spotlight: Louise Fleming

Louise Fleming is a New York native that is now known in LA as Sierra Club’s Angeles Chapter Volunteer Coordinator. Her dedication to helping the Chapter thrive is so important and without her, so many people would not know how to participate in club opportunities!
What brought Louise to the Sierra Club was pure inspiration to help. As a volunteer herself, she saw a need for organization within the Chapter’s volunteer program and bravely took on the task of making it more efficient. With the roll-out of the New Volunteer Registration Form in June 2019, the Chapter experienced an influx of motivated people ready to support the club on a series of environmental topics.
“We have accrued over 130 new registrants. They live within the 14 different Regional Group areas, range in ages from High School Students to retirees and beyond,” said Louise. “Most of these folks have stated their interest in contributing in whatever ways they can to environmental causes, and many have talents, skills and educational backgrounds that they would like to utilize in accomplishing these goals.”
Since the program is all inclusive, Louise has noticed that there truly is a place for everyone in the Chapter and works hard to find a project for each person. One common theme she has noticed since starting her position is that a vast majority of the volunteers are extremely passionate about protecting, preserving and cleaning up our wild lands, water, and air. “Many have come to the Sierra Club because they have heard about us from friends or other sources and believe that we are the “go-to” place for involvement in outdoor activities and, of course, volunteer opportunities.”
Working with volunteers and Conservation Programs Manager, Angélica Gonzalez, has given Louise the opportunity to organize events, such as the Meet & Greet that took place in August 2019. “We met our new volunteers in person and gave them an overview of the Chapter and the opportunities that might interest them,” said Louise.
When we asked Louise what she would say to those that would like to volunteer, she said, “We are in need of passionate folks who are willing to offer their time and talent for good causes.” 
In the future, the Chapter plans to reach out to all Regional Group and Activities Leaders to provide the Volunteer Coordinator with their needs so we can have a robustly engaged volunteer base working to contribute to our environmental goals.
Though she is busy connecting people with volunteer opportunities, Louise is hoping to work closely with leaders and new volunteers in the future as it grows to fulfill our mission to explore, enjoy and protect our environment. Interested in volunteering with Sierra Club? Contact Louise at for more information.

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