Visit the 10th annual AltBuild Expo of alternate building materials and design this Friday and Saturday, May 10th and 11th at the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Photo Credit: Steven Lam Photography
Enjoy free registration and attend sessions whose speakers are primary movers of green building and sustainability in southern California.
Presentations range from the intro keynote speech on the Sustainable Sites initiative to SoCal Climate Planning: Why Should I Care?, to Why you need to know about regenerative, net zero and walkable spaces, and The Net Zero Home, A Look at the Future that Exists Today.
Angeles Chapter Sierra Club will be represented by Darrell Clarke on the Saturday (12-1 p.m.) panel discussion Southland Climate Action Update, which considers specific policy issues, effects of nonprofit organization campaigns and initiatives, present threats to sustainability due to arguments of economic necessity, government bureaucracy, general lethargy—and, regenerative principles and how best to adapt political structure and policy tools to express these principles.
Afterward, visit the Sierra Club expo booth to meet Lore Pekrul, chair of the Angeles Chapter Green Building Committee, and to learn about the ways in which you can to help move us toward sustainability—by joining one of our sustainability committees, a conservation task force, a local group, or simply to learn more about our work to further sustainability in Los Angeles and Orange Counties.
And visit the entire expo to see a great variety of green building products and demonstrations—ranging from Backwards Beekeepers (urban bee rescue) to grey water systems, and Energy Upgrade California, among many others.
Free bike valet, onsite parking $10.