What have you done for Planet Earth lately?

Less butts in the ocean thanks to Steve.

A while back I drove by a local tavern near my home and saw the owner hosing the patrons' cigarette butts from the parking lot into the gutter (storm drain). I mailed him a letter mentioning the environmental consequences of doing this. He stopped for awhile and then resumed. I sent another letter with no subsequent action this time around. I then hid with my camera, took photos of him in the act, and went to City Hall. They contacted him personally and since then I can now drive by and see him sweeping up the lot every morning. He's not smiling.

- Steve Tyler

Let us know what you've done for Planet Earth lately. Send messages to sierran-at-ix.netcom.com or Editor, 3435 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 320, L.A., 90010-1906.

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