Fighting Higher Mandatory Utility Fees: A Call to Action

Over the past several months, Sierra Club members, supporters, and volunteers have been fighting the 2015 Electricity Rate Cases. Xcel Energy and Wisconsin Public Service (WPS) applied this fall for increased mandatory fees that their customers pay. Xcel Energy has proposed an increase from $8 to $18 and WPS is asking for a charge hike from $19 to $25.


While the public hearings have passed and the written comment period to the Public Services Commission have closed, we are continuing to elevate the voices of customers who live in Xcel and WPS territory by telling Xcel and WPS that these rates are harmful to those who are fixed income senior citizens, low income families, or energy efficient environmentalists. Please join us on November 18, 2015 in continuing to oppose these fees.


On November 18, 2015, there will be a social media blast day dedicated to raising concerns about increased mandatory fees. Various individuals, advocates, and organizations will be coming together on Facebook and Twitter to tell Xcel Energy and WPS that these fee hikes are harmful to Wisconsin citizens.


Please join us by calling out Xcel and WPS online on November 18:

  1. Like the Facebook pages opposed to these fee hikes: No to $18 and No to $25
  2. Learn more about why higher mandatory fees are harmful for fixed and low income families and energy efficiency.
  3. On November 18, post about these increased mandatory fees!
    • Both the No to $18 and No to $25 Facebook pages have great graphics and posts you can share
    • Use the hashtags #NoTo18 and #NoTo25
    • Tweet at @WPSforBiz and @XcelEnergyWI