TAKE ACTION: Youth-led Tar Sands Rally before Democratic Debate

 "I think it is imperative that we look at the Keystone Pipeline as what I believe it is - a distraction from the important work we have to do to combat climate change.... Therefore, I oppose it." - Hillary Clinton


"We must make significant reductions in carbon emissions and break our dependency on fossil fuels. That is why I have helped lead the fight in the Senate against the Keystone pipeline, which would transport some of the dirtiest fossil fuel in the world." - Bernie Sanders


"[If I were elected] on day one I would reject projects like Keystone XL, and deny new permits for drilling in Alaska, the Arctic and off our coasts." - Martin O'Malley


Our Democratic presidential candidates have all opposed the Kextone XL tar sands pipeline; however, the media and the candidates have been near-silent on Enbridge's Alberta Clipper pipeline - another 36 inch pipeline carrying tar sands oil accross the US/Canada border. Like Keystone XL, this pipeline will require a presidential permit. Our future president holds this vital environmental and human safety decision in his or her hands.

Because of this, we are calling on Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and Martin O'Malley to verbally oppose the Alberta Clipper pipeline on or before the next Democratic Debate, which will be held in Milwaukee on February 11.


To help demonstrate this pressure, Midwest youth are leading and organizing a rally outside of the primary debate venue called #ClipperIsTheNewKXL and are calling on community members, environmentalists, and concerned voters from across the region to gather together to demand this promise of rejection by our candidates.


The #ClipperIsTheNewKXL Rally will be held outside of the Helene Zelazo Center for the Performing Arts on the UW-Milwaukee campus and will start around noon on Thursday, February 11. It will continue until the candidates arrive, and a watchparty will be held after for those who wish to watch the debate together. There will be rooms on campus in which folks can warm up throughout the day. 

Transportation support to groups larger than 25 and lodging accomodations for Wisconsin youth and for those traveling out-of-state may be provided on an individual basis. 

Help spread the word and stay up-to-date on this action through the Facebook page, and RSVP by filling out this form.



There are more ways to get involved than attending the rally! 

  • Help us spread the word
  • Support our Social Media Blast Day on February 8
  • Volunteer to write op-eds about Alberta Clipper to your local paper
  • If in the Milwaukee area, volunteer to host Wisconsin youth overnight from February 11 - 13

If you wish to volunteer in any of the ways listed above, please contact Cassie Steiner at cassandra.steiner@sierraclub.org