5 Ecofriendly Superfoods
When it comes to superfoods—those trendy products, like flaxseed and quinoa, that are touted as exceptionally nourishing—it's hard to separate the truth from the hype. Marketers ascribe miraculous but vague properties (body-cleansing, energy-boosting, potency-increasing) to the exotic superfood-based powders in supplements and smoothies, while skeptical dietitians advise against consuming too much of a single ingredient, however nutritious. But whether or not you believe that chia seeds cure cancer, there are some gems emerging from the superfood fad: obscure but delicious fruits and environmentally sound plants that haven't quite hit it big. If you're looking to indulge adventurous taste buds, these five products will get you your fix, and—who knows—maybe a better libido, too.
Photographs by Lori Eanes
This article appeared as "Super and Sensible" in the January/February 2016 print edition of Sierra.