Outings Information

Important Notice: Unless otherwise noted, outings are free and open to all. Sierra Club membership is encouraged but not required. All participants are required to sign a liability waiver/participation agreement. This is an important legal document which limits your right to sue the Club or its leaders in the event of injury on an outing. Your participation in an outing is a voluntary recreational activity. If you are not willing to sign a waiver, you need to find some other recreational activity. You can read the waiver here: 

Rules of Conduct

Participants are asked to comply with the Sierra Club-Angeles Chapter Rules of Conduct, which can be found at https://www.sierraclub.org/angeles/rules-conduct. They are not unreasonable and you are not likely to find them restrictive. Animals are not permitted on events unless a specific announcement in the write-up includes them. Guide dogs are allowed, but call the leader first to make sure the event is suitable. Some events may be suitable for those under 18. Check with the leader first.

Outings Ratings

Angeles Chapter outings are rated according to the skills required for safe participation. The list below explains each rating.
(C) For events conducted by a non-Sierra Club entity (i.e. Concessionaire)
(O) Applies to a variety of uncomplicated outings (i.e., city walks, bike rides, trail hikes, backpacking.) May involve simple off trail hiking not requiring navigation skills. Climbing level: “Class 1” terrain.
(I) Includes outings that involve cross-country travel where navigation is necessary. Rougher ground than “O” outings may be traversed, and the use of hands for balance may be necessary. Includes outings that have snow travel or skiing on easy terrain. Climbing level: “Class 2” terrain.


In the interests of facilitating the logistics of some outings, it is customary that participants make carpooling arrangements from the rideshare point to the trailhead. The Sierra Club does not have insurance for carpooling arrangements and assumes no liability for participants riding in private vehicles. Carpooling, ride sharing or anything similar is strictly a private arrangement among the participants. Participants assume the risks associated with this travel.

Rideshare Meeting Points

AZUSA RIDESHARE POINT: On Santa Fe St just E of Azusa Ave, one block N of Foothill Blvd, just before the railroad tracks.
LA CANADA RIDESHARE POINT: Take the Foothill (I-210) Freeway to La Canada (which is northwest of Pasadena), exit at the Angeles Crest Highway (Route 2). Go north approximately 200 yards and park on the right side of the Angeles Crest Hwy just N of the Foothill Fwy.  
MT BALDY RIDESHARE POINT: U.S. Bank parking lot, 393 W. Foothill Blvd., Claremont, CA 91711 at NE corner of Foothill and Indian Hill Blvds. (This location is for weekend use only.)
PINECREST GATE: 2260 Pinecrest Dr, Altadena, CA 91001, USA
REI ARCADIA: Park on the east side of the parking lot at 214 N Santa Anita Ave Arcadia, CA 91006.