Citizens Water Lobby Day Wednesday, February 8

On February 8, join other citizens concerned about the quantity and quality of their water by visiting the state Capitol or calling your state legislators. Together, we will express our concerns about water depletion, drinking water contaminated by lead or bacterial growth, water privatization, excessive manure spreading, salt contamination, phosphorous and excessive plant growth in our lakes. 

Here is what you can do:

If you are not in the Capitol in person:

1) Put together some specific concerns about water resources in your area.  These specific examples will be more meaningful to the officials who represent your district.

2) Call your state representative and state senator. Here is where you can find their phone numbers:

3) Call both your state representative and your state senator on Wednesday, February 8, and voice your concerns that you have put together.

4) Ask for the legislator to take action. For example, “Please ensure that the Department of Natural Resources has the authority to consider cumulative impacts of water withdrawal when reviewing high capacity well applications.” Finish by asking, “What will you do to ensure this important component of water management?” 

If you plan on being in the Capitol:

1) Put together some specific concerns about water resources in your area. The more local your examples are, the more relevant they will be to your elected officials.

2) Call your state assembly person and state senator. Here is where you can find their phone numbers and addresses:

3) Either set up an appointment to meet with each of your legislators on February 8 or prepare a written letter from yourself that is hand signed. Whether you meet with them or go to their offices and deliver hand-signed letters, make sure to ask for the legislators to take action. For example, “Please defend the ability of the Department of Natural Resources to consider cumulative impacts of water withdrawal when reviewing high capacity well applications.”  Finish with, “What will you do to defend this important component of water management?” 

A few notes:

  • February 8 is also the day the Governor will be delivering his budget and address to the Legislature.  Know that legislators will be distracted so be persistent in leaving a message, hand delivering your letter or trying to get a meeting.
  • Citizen lobbyists should check in at the State Capitol at Room 425 SW.  Check-in will be available starting at 11 a.m.
  • Look for groups including the Sierra Club to put out information on specific issues we expect to be active this legislative session, both proactive and defensive. For example, we believe there will be a bill to address lead in drinking water pipes and also a bill that will explicitly prohibit the DNR form considering cumulative impacts of water withdrawals.
  • Speak from your heart about what matters to you in your part of Wisconsin. This makes it relevant and more meaningful to your elected officials.
  • For more information or to link up with other Sierrans, contact Liz Wessel or Kendl Kobbervig at The Sierra Club will also have a table in Room 412 E starting at around 11:30 a.m.