ExCom Candidate Application

Candidate's first name
Candidate's Last Name
Your pronouns
Gender equity and inclusivity are Sierra Club core values. Learn more at https://www.cultureamp.com/blog/gender-pronouns-in-workplace.
Candidate's cell phone number
Candidate's street address
Candidate's city
Candidate's zip code
Are you a current Sierra Club member?
You must be a Sierra Club member to run for election to an executive committee.
Are you applying for the Chapter (state-wide) or Group (local) Executive Committee or both?
Select group to which you belong
Are you willing to actively participate in fundraising activities or contribute financially to the chapter?
Learning how to promote financial stability for the chapter includes learning how to raise money for the chapter. Are you all in for the chapter? It's not about the amount you can give, it's about your commitment. Our goal is for all ExCom members to donate.
Organizational tools - select the ones you"re familiar with
Our chapter is run by volunteers. We depend on these tools to work and communicate effectively.
Experience - check all applicable
We need your knowledge and skills in these key areas.
There's no set requirement but it takes time to stay on top of the daily email as well as work on our core committees.
This is the only part of your application that will be published on the ballot. The maximum length is 800 characters including spaces. When you click on the Preview page, you'll see a character counter. You can copy and paste your statement in that app to find out if you're under the limit. You can save your application and finish it later if you need to think more about what to say.