The Cascade

The newsletter of the Great Falls Group, called The Cascade, has gone electronic (beginning with the 2011 winter issue). Copies are found here in PDF format, requiring Adobe Acrobat Reader.

2024 Cascade Editions

  • January FACS energy audits for congregations; Request GA to fund Virginia's EV Rebate Program; Testimony to EQAC; EQAC Annual Public Comment Meeting; Gas Leaf Blower Bill and Richmond Action; FACS shares their insights on building energy efficiency; Sierra Club Virginia Community Lobby Day; and more
  • February An Update on the Virginia General Assembly 2024: Top Environmental Legislation; Climate Education in Virginia Public Schools; The Renovation Wave in Northern Virginia; and more
  • March Electrify Your Home with Rebates and Incentives: A Carbon-Free Fairfax Webinar;FCPS Awarded $16 Million for Electric School Buses; and more
  • April Public Hearing on Loudoun Data Centers; Hike in Conway Robinson State Forest; Vienna’s Green Expo; and more
  • May Rally Against Unchecked Data Center Expansion; Deadline for EQAC Environmental Excellence Award Nominations; and more

2023 Cascade Editions

  • January Congressional Legislative Insights; Fairfax County EQAC Public Comment Meeting; Register for Conservation Lobby Day; and more
  • February Inflation Reduction Act Provides Green Options; Update on the Virginia General Assembly 2023; and more
  • March Comments due to DEQ on data center air pollution caused by diesel generators; Loudoun Environmentalists Meet and Greet; and more
  • May Environmentalists' Gathering at Leesburg Winery/Brewery Quattro Goombas; Prince William Office of Sustainability Town Hall; and more
  • June Great Falls Group and local leaders protest at Data Center Conference; Loudoun Environmentalists Gathering; and more
  • July Sierra Club Virginia and Environmental Organizations Demand Safeguards in Data Center Buildout; Sierrans Join Coalition at White House Rally to Fight the Mountain Valley Pipeline; Natalie Pien Wins FACS Award; and more
  • September Prince William County Community Energy and Sustainability Master Plan town hall; NYC March to End Fossil Fuels; VA Waterway Cleanup at Accotink Creek at Braddock Road Bridge; Northern Virginia EV Showcase; and more
  • October Future Fairfax County Community Input Meeting - Topic: Data Centers; Electrify Your Ride with Tax Incentives: A Carbon-Free Fairfax Webinar; Home Electrification Showcase; and more
  • November Public Hearing on Prince William Digital Gateway; Letter from Sierra Club Great Falls Group; and more
  • December Discussion of Virginia offshore wind projects; FACS energy audits for congregations; and more 

2022 Cascade Editions

  • January Building Energy Efficiency Webinar; Smart Growth Protects What We Have; Advocacy Day Workshop; and more 
  • February Green Design and the Planning of Data Centers; Volunteer Action for the Environment - Zero Waste Initiative meeting; and more 
  • March Getting to Zero Waste in Our Homes and Northern Virginia; Volunteer Action for the Environment - Zero Waste Initiative meeting; and more
  • April Lives of Farmed Animals and the Pursuit of Personhood;  Rally to Stop the Mountain Valley Pipeline; Adopt-A-Highway Clean-up Earth Day; and more
  • May Student Environmental Action Showcase (SEAS); An Introduction to Energy Justice and Energy Burden; The Plastic Pollution Crisis - Zero Waste Meeting; and more
  • June Food as Medicine; Community Town Hall: Protect the Health of the Occoquan Reservoir; Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions Sustainability Champions Awards; and more
  • July Hike to Raven Rocks -- a "Wild Weekend" Event; 350Fairfax General Meeting; and more
  • September Prince William County Planning Commission Public Hearing on the Digital Gateway CPA;  Rally to #STOPMVP and Manchin’s Dirty Deal: No Sacrifice Zones; National Drive Electric Day in Fairfax; and more
  • October Watershed Cleanup Day at Scott's Run Nature Preserve; and more
  • November  Call Voters with Sierra Club Independent Action!; Strands of Compassion Concert; Free Home Efficiency Kits and Hands-On Demonstrations; and more 
  • December Virtual Forest Bathing; Legislative Advocacy Webinar; Fairfax County EQAC Public Comment Meeting; and more

2021 Cascade Editions

  • January Volunteer Action for the Environment; Virginia Legislative Preview; Virtual Advocacy Workshop and Training; and more
  • February Transit Equity Day Virtual Lunch & Learn; Stop Mowing, Start Growing; Volunteer Action for the Environment; and more
  • March Volunteer Action for the Environment;  All-Virtual Environmental Film Festival in the Nation's Capital; Climate Change and Public Health; and more
  • April Volunteer Action for the Environment; Loudoun Native Plant Sale; Cascade Newsletter Review; Earth Day at Blake Lane Park; Earth Day 2021; and more
  • May Meeting for Justice H.S. and Park; Mother's Day Rally; Volunteer Action for the Environment; Native plant sale, Vienna; and more
  • June Prince William County Rt 28 Bypass Meeting; Plant NOVA Natives Steering Committee meeting; Rally for Justice Park; and more
  • July Latinx Conservation Month - Nottoway Park/Lake Fairfax/Frying Pan Park; Volunteer Action for the Environment - Zero Waste Initiative; and more
  • August The Heart of the Internet Runs on Carbon - meeting; Volunteer Action for the Environment - Zero Waste Initiative; and more
  • September Volunteer Action for the Environment - Zero Waste Initiative; Fairfax County Board of Supervisors votes on the Plastic Bag tax and CECAP; and more
  • October 350 Fairfax Plastic Free Challenge; Volunteer Action for the Environment - Zero Waste Initiative; YOUTH v GOV film screening; and more
  • November YOUTH v GOV film screening and discussion; Fairfax County Redistricting Public Hearings; Watch for ballot for GFG ExCom election; and more
  • December Mobilize for Climate Justice in the 2022 General Assembly Session; Virginia Conservation Network General Assembly Preview; Virginia Conservation Network Lobbying Practice Sessions; and more 

2020 Cascade Editions

  • January Rally and Lobby Day for Clean Energy; Volunteer Action Night for the Environment; Conservation Lobby Day; and more
  • February The Story of Plastic Documentary and Discussion; Virginia General Assembly Session Crossover; Fracked Gas Pipeline: Community Session; Volunteer Action Night for the Environment; and more
  • March Community Meeting on Transco and Virginia Gas Pipelines; Volunteer Action Night for the Environment; D.C. Environmental Film Festival; Earth Day; and more
  • April Community Webinar on the Virginia Natural Gas Header Improvement Project; Earth Day; Virtual Community Workshop on Transportation in Northern Virginia; and more
  • May Submit comments to SCC on Header Improvement Project; Virtual 4th Annual Mother's Day Climate Rally, and more
  • June Offshore Wind Energy: Training and Educational Opportunities Webinar; Green New Deal Virginia Virtual Summit; FACS Sustainability Champions Awards Program; and more
  • July Robeson Rises : Virtual Film Screening and Panel Discussion (pipelines); Koch at George Mason University: A Community Response; Virtual Offshore Wind Lunch & Learn
  • August General Assembly Special Session Preview; Online Workshop: Energy Democracy in Virginia & the Dominion energy system; Energy Storage Webinar; Utility-scale Solar and Offshore Wind Webinar; and more
  • September Public input for CECAP; 2020 Sierra Club Awards Celebration; Livable Public Play Spaces that Integrate Natural Systems Webinar; Transforming Our Cities: Imagining a Future of Equity and Sustainabilty Webinar; and more
  • October National Drive Electric Week; Plastic Free Challenge; Virginia Environmental Assembly; Hands Across the Appalachian Trail virtual event; and more
  • November Wildlife Conservation in a Changing Climate webinar; Sierra Club Virginia and GFG ballots due; 2021 General Assembly Preview; and more
  • December Fairfax County CECAP meetings; 2021 General Assembly Preview; Volunteer Action Night for the Environment; and more

2019 Cascade Editions

  • February C-PACE Update; Fairfax County Energy and Climate Action Plan; Loudoun's Future: Community Discussion; and more
  • March Fairfax County Adopts Key Elements of Sierra Club Energy and Climate Action Plan; Bowers and Limpert - Water Board Should Revoke MV Pipeline Certificate; and more
  • April Joint School/County Board Meeting on Climate Action; C-PACE Update; Pipeline Update; Adopt a Highway Cleanup on Earth Day; and more
  • May North County Supervisor Candidate Forum; Mother's Day Climate Rally; Composting and Vermiculture; and more
  • June Solar Home Open House; Candidate Forum - Supervisor Chair; Let's Talk Trash; and more
  • July Leesburg Parade; Land Use Meeting - One University; Let's Talk Trash; Growing Greener Data Centers; and more
  • August Earth Rise Indivisible Launch; Joint GFG/MVG picnic; VA Annual Sierra Club Gathering; and more
  • September Volunteer Action Night for the Environment; Joint GFG - MVG picnic, Plastic Free Forum; and more
  • October Volunteer Action Night for the Environment; Film: Wild Utah-America's Red Rock Wilderness; and more
  • November Mount Vernon District Environment Expo; Volunteer Action Night for the Environment (Fairfax); Sierra Club Great Falls Group Holiday Party; and more
  • December Community Conversations: The Path to Advocacy; VCN General Assembly Preview (Reston, with organizations tabling); Sierra Club Great Falls Group Holiday Party

2018 Cascade Editions

  • Janua​ry Vegan Potluck Dinner; The Climate Reality; and more.....
  • February Film Screening: Just Eat It; Virginia's Pathway to Cut Carbon; and more.....
  • Spring Reducing Plastic Bag Use; DC Environmental Film Festival; Featured Spring Hike; Solar for Schools; Earth Day Events; Update on New Clean Energy Expo; and more..... 
  • April Impact of More Pipelines in Virginia; Environmental Justice Road Trip; SpringFest Fairfax; Eath Day; and more.....
  • May Mother's Day Climate Rally; Shore Stories; Hands Across Our Land Rally; Sierra Club Hikes; Climate Reality Presentation; and more.....
  • Summer Climate Reality Presentation; March for the Ocean; Debate on Draft County Operations Energy Strategy; and more.....
  • July Take Action on Energy Strategy; The Youth Climate March; National Parks & Rec Month; Reinventing Power; and more.....
  • September Virginia Environmental Assembly; Transportation Electrification; Virginia Climate Crisis Forum; Plastic Free Forum; and more.....
  • October 50th Anniversary of the National Trails System Act; Tour of Solar and Green Homes; Waste and Recycling Symposium; Environmental Justice and Northern Virginia; and more.....
  • November Wexton - phone bank; Wexton - Get Out the Vote; Sup. Dan Storck's Environmental Expo; Plant NOVA Natives storm water forum; and more.....
  • December General Assembly Session Preview; Great Falls Group Holiday Party; GFG Elections; and more

2017 Cascade Editions

  • Spring GFG Promotes Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in Fairfax County; Climate Activism; Clean Energy for Fairfax Now; and more.....
  • Summer From the Chair; Energy-Saving Opportunities for Fairfax County Residents; Schoolyards Aren't Just for Recess Anymore; and more.....
  • Fall GFG Executive Committee Election; Volunteer with Great Falls Group; GFG Scores Victories in Fairfax County Environmental Vision Update; and more..... 
  • Winter GFG Protests in Richmond against Pipelines; Lobby. Resist. Persist. X3; Film A Plastic Ocean Shows Devastation to Humans and Animals; and more.....

2016 Cascade Editions

  • Spring Students Advocate for Solar Energy; Divest the Va Retirement System of Its Fossil Fuel Investments; Pipelines Don't Belong in Virginia's Energy Future; and more.....
  • Summer Virginia Offshore Energy: A Victory; Gas Pipeline in Northern Virginia?; Have You Planted Your Native Virginia Plants Yet?; Virginia Sierrans Join Rally to End Offshore Drilling; and more....
  • Fall Serve on the GFG Nominating Committee; Local Citizens Rally for Clean Air, Water, and Energy; Free Energy Tests for New Houses; WB Xpress Pipeline in Fairfax County; and more....
  • Winter Great Falls Group Election; Compressor Stations Coming to a Location Near You; Scotts Run Cleanup; Standing with Standing Rock; Environmental Vision; and more.....

2015 Cascade Editions

  • Spring Sierra Club/Great Falls Group Election; Native Tree and Shrub Seedling Sale & Swap; Drill, Baby, Drill Comes to Virginia's Coast; Proposed Virginia Pipelines: More Reliance on Fossil Fuels; and more.....
  • Summer Join the Plant NOVA Natives Campaign; Flex Your Green Thumb with Composting and Organic Gardening; Get Solar Power for Less with SolarizeNOVA; Improving Transportation Options on I-66; and more.....
  • Fall Join the People's Rally for Climate Justice while Pope Francis Is Here: Help NOVA Natives Promote Virginia Native Plants; Annual Report on Fairfax County's Environment; Great Falls Group Adopts a Highway; and more....
  • Winter Great Falls Group Election; Celebrating Keystone XL Pipeline's Defeat; Sierra Club-Endorsed Candidates Win in Fairfax County; Activists Hit the Mall to Rally for Climate Justice; FCPS Weighs Going Solar; and more....

2014 Cascade Editions

  • Spring Fracking Risks to Drinking Water; Transportation: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly; Chesapeake Bay Report Card; NOVA Climate Action Coalition; and more.......
  • Summer "Hands Across the Sand" Event Targets Dirty Fuels; Sierra Club Bestows Legislative Leader Award; NOVA Climate Action Coalition Update; Meet Sierra Club's New Northern Virginia Coordinator; and more......
  • Fall People's Climate March; Environmentalist Rip Sullivan Victorious in Short, Intense Election; A Hot Day to Help Cool the Planet; Antibiotic Resistance is Killing Us; and more.....
  • Winter Sierra Club/Great Falls Group Election; Fairfax Voters Approve New Funds for Walking and Bicycling; Air Pollution and Childhood Asthma; New Guide for Planting Natives in Northern Virginia; and more.....

2013 Cascade Editions

  • Spring Great Falls Group at the Forward on Climate Rally; Natural Gas Consultant Speaks About Hydro-Fracking; Flex Your Grassroots Power!; Green Energy in Fairfax County?; and more.......
  • Summer Great Falls Group Spread the Word on Clean Energy; Vote in the Virginia Primary; Northern Virginia Transportation Issues; Did You Miss These Local Sierra Club Programs?; and more.......
  • Fall Tar Sands and Climate Action Party Draws Out Climate Activists; Do You Miss these Local Sierra Club Programs; Sierra Club Partner 350 Loudoun; and more.......
  • Winter Great Falls Group Election; NOVA Climate Action Coalition; Uranium Mining Public Forum; Great Falls Group is on Facebook; and more.......


View Archived Cascade Newsletter Editions (2005-2012)