Advisory: Climate Advocates Join Community Members to Rally Against Reckless Data Center Expansion in Virginia

Media Advisory for Sunday June 2, 2024

Contact: Tim Cywinski, Communications Director, Sierra Club Virginia
(540) 272-5358,

Climate Advocates  Join Community to Rally Against Reckless Data Center Expansion in Virginia

As the data center capital of the world, Virginia needs policy that protects families from the harmful economic and environmental harms fueled by explosive data center growth.

Reston, VA – Community members and activists will gather on Sunday, June 2, 2024, to rally against the harmful, unchecked expansion of data centers in Virginia, the data center capital of the globe. The event aims to raise awareness about the compounding threats of explosive data center growth in the state and calls for overdue, protective policy from decision makers.

What: Rally Against Unchecked Data Center Growth

When: Sunday, June 2, 2024 at 12:00 p.m.

Where: 12030 Sunrise Valley Dr, Reston, VA 20191, US


Virginia is the data center capital of the world, with over 300 operational and new data centers proposed across the commonwealth. The explosive growth poses serious threats to economic security, air and water quality, land use, and the state’s climate goals. Currently, data centers consume nearly 25 percent of the power provided by Dominion Energy with the demand forecasted to double. Supplying power to these looming facilities will make electric bills soar for Virginia's families as well as lead to the construction of new fossil fuel plants that threaten the state's climate progress and public health in environmental justice communities.

Currently, decision makers at the local, state, and federal levels have failed to enact any significant policy measures that effectively safeguard families and the environment from the impact of data center growth. Without proper oversight and protective policies, the unchecked growth of data centers threatens Virginia’s environmental sustainability, public health, and economic stability while driving up energy demand across the nation. It is crucial for leaders to take immediate action to address these concerns and protect the well-being of Virginia’s families.

The rally will feature speeches from community leaders, environmental experts, and local residents who have been directly impacted by data center expansion. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn more about the issue, sign petitions, and engage with policymakers.

Confirmed Speakers:

Tim Cywinski, Virginia Sierra Club will serve as MC

Delegate Rip Sullivan, District 6

Delegate Josh Thomas, District 21

Tyler Ray, Impacted Community Member

Connor Kish, Director of the Virginia Sierra Club

Julie Bolthouse, Piedmont Environmental Council 

Rev Dr. Jean Wright, Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions and Impacted Community Member

Key Issues Highlighted:

  • Energy Demand and Costs: Data centers require a massive amount of power, and Dominion Energy’s plan to meet this demand includes building expensive fossil fuel plants with construction and passing operation costs on to consumers. Delivering electricity to data centers also requires new transmission lines and electric substations – expensive infrastructure with costs that will fall onto ratepayers instead of the industry that is responsible for the demand.

  • Environmental Impact: The proposed fossil fuel plants are estimated to double climate pollution emissions from Dominion Energy, Virginia’s largest utility.  These plants negatively affect public health, undermining Virginia’s legal mandate to promote environmental justice and transition to 100% clean energy by mid-century.

  • Water Usage: Data centers' water usage has surged, with a 250 percent increase in potable water usage over the past four years, placing additional strain on local water resources.

  • Land Use: The expansion projects cover vast areas, equivalent to the size of 1,000 Walmart Super Centers, leading to significant land loss and community disruption.       

Note: Interviews with key speakers and local residents will be available following the event. A working press kit is available here


The Sierra Club Virginia Chapter is committed to protecting Virginia’s environment and promoting environmental justice. As part of the nation’s largest grassroots environmental organization, we advocate for clean energy solutions, climate action, and policies that ensure all communities have access to a healthy environment. Through education, community outreach, and legislative efforts, we work to address environmental inequities and support sustainable development across the Commonwealth. For more information visit