State Corporation Commission Does Not Accept Dominion's Disastrous Integrated Resource Plan

Release: February 2, 2024

Dominion Fails to Gain Approval From SCC on Thier Disastrous Integrated Resource Plan


Richmond, Va --  In a non-decision ruling, the State Corporation Commission did not accept Dominion Energy's pollution-intensive Integrated Resource Plan. Dominion's IRP relied heavily on fossil-fuel expansion, failing to comply with Virginia's mandated climate goals and commitments to environmental justice. 

In response, Connor Kish, Director of the Sierra Club Virginia Chapter, had this to say:

We commend the SCC for reaffirming what we’ve known all along –  Dominion Energy has no justification to build out more toxic fossil fuels plants.  It’s not unreasonable to ask a monopoly utility to produce a plan that complies with state law and upholds simple principles of justice and fairness. Dominion didn't take that assignment seriously, and the examiner’s report and subsequent outcome underscore the necessity of strong state oversight.  We commend the SCC for rejecting Dominion’s attempt to write its own rules. Now is the time for Dominion to get serious about the clean energy resources that give us a fighting chance at a livable future and put the health of our communities first.

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