Join the Offshore Wind Team

There’s a lot to love when it comes to Virginia offshore wind development.  

  • There’s the potential to develop 5300 MW of offshore wind off our coast - enough to power over 1.5 million homes

  • There’s the potential to create over 14,000 great jobs with full build out of the offshore wind industry in Virginia

  • It’s the only way (and in a big way) that we meet our Virginia 100% clean energy goals

Help spread the love for offshore wind across Virginia.  Join the volunteer Virginia Offshore Wind team today!  

As a volunteer on our Offshore Wind Team you commit to:

Getting educated on where things stand/how we got here with OSW, and to staying current with the latest news involving Virginia's OSW development.  How?

  • Subscribe to monthly va4wind e-newsletter

  • Attend (and volunteer to help with) OSW town halls, webinars

  • Read up!  Read through our OSW fact sheets, news articles (set up a Google news alert email with the term "offshore wind" and occasionally check partner websites like the one DMME maintains for OSW)

Using your OSW knowledge to:

  • Speak to elected officials as appropriate about OSW

  • Offer public comment supporting OSW

  • Write letters to the editor (LTEs) in response to OSW news

  • Assist with efforts to give OSW presentations/webinars to community groups

  • Amplify OSW news on social media

Participating on a monthly OSW team check-in video/conference call

Questions?  Email or call Eileen at or 757-277-8537.