Showing Solidarity For Racial Justice

“We cannot expect to come together to protect the planet if racism continues to tear us apart.”
Read the full Sierra Club statement on the murder of George Floyd

Sierra Club Virginia Chapter is committed to working in solidarity with partners and leaders across our state to condemn police brutality and institutionalized racism that fuel perpetual violence towards communities of color. These same communities bear the brunt of our world’s pollution and are being disproportionately and severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The murders of George FloydAhmaud ArberyBreonna TaylorMarcus David Peters and countless other black and brown individuals underscore the urgent need to strike down structures of oppression and injustice. In support of the Black Lives Matter movement in this moment, Sierra Club has temporarily paused our actions and communications. Showing solidarity means speaking up and out against racism and white supremacy, and we encourage our members and activists to engage however they are able to ensure that the current pain and anger being felt today leads to lasting change tomorrow. 


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