Governor Northam Announces Plan to power 100 percent of Virginia’s electricity from carbon-free sources by 2050

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Mary-Stuart Torbeck (804) 305-4355,
Tim Cywinski (540) 272-5358,


Governor Northam Announces Plan to power 100 percent of Virginia’s electricity from carbon-free sources by 2050
Executive Order Forty-Three Provides a Pathway to Begin Addressing the Climate Crisis

RICHMOND, Virginia –  During the inaugural Virginia Clean Energy Summit this morning, Governor Northam announced Executive Order Forty-Three, an ambitious plan to expand renewable energy in the commonwealth and address the climate crisis. In addition to establishing energy efficiency requirements on state buildings and a goal for 30% of Virginia’s energy to be powered by renewable sources by 2030, EO Forty-Three sets Virginia on the path to zero carbon pollution by 2050. Most important, the executive order ties plans for clean energy to jobs, focused on pathways out of poverty. 

While the plan to meet the goals laid out by Governor Northam will not be finalized until July 1, 2020, there will be steps towards the transition that go into effect almost immediately. This includes: DMME initiating a competitive power purchase agreement for distributed solar, state agencies and universities looking at their energy consumption and implementing energy efficiency, and 3000 MW of wind and solar development by 2022. 

Kate Addleson, Sierra Club Virginia Chapter Director responded with the following:

"We commend the governor for setting goals today that will make Virginia a leader in fighting the climate crisis. Virginians have long demanded the benefits of transitioning to a clean energy economy and deserve a future free of fossil fuel pollution. To reach these goals in a way that benefits all Virginians, the state will need to increase energy efficiency and reject fracked-gas. Doing so will chart a path to create more good jobs, lower electric bills, and support healthier communities. Later this week, thousands of young people will march to send a powerful reminder to leaders, like state lawmakers who will be needed to see this plan through, that future generations are counting on them to make the right climate decisions."



The Virginia Chapter of the Sierra Club is over 20,000 members strong. We are your friends and neighbors working to build healthy, livable communities, and to conserve and protect our climate and environment. The Virginia Chapter is part of the national Sierra Club, the nation's largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization. For more information, visit


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