Clean Transportation

Clean Transportation

Clean Transportation

Transportation is a major source of air pollution and has the largest, fastest-growing climate emissions in the US. We can tackle the climate crisis and clean up our air by shifting to pollution-free vehicles, accessible public transit, and making our communities more walkable, bikeable, and transit-friendly. No matter their zip code, race, income level, age, or any other factor people should be able to rely on clean and safe transportation. Join the Sierra Club’s Clean Transportation for All campaign in making that vision a reality!

Clean Transportation For All

The Sierra Club’s Clean Transportation For All (CTFA) campaign reduces the harmful environmental and public health impacts of transporting people and goods while expanding equitable transportation options.

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Electric Vehicles

In order to reduce greenhouse gas pollution and improve public health, we must transition our nation's cars, trucks, and buses to 100 percent electric. Electric vehicles are much cleaner than gas-powered vehicles today, even accounting for the emissions from electricity sources.

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Clean Cars & Trucks

Where people will continue to need to drive, we must electrify cars as soon as possible. Dirty diesel emissions from freight transportation are also poisoning communities, particularly communities of color. We're advocating for ambitious federal & state regulations to electrify passenger cars, electric school buses, & large trucks, while holding manufacturers accountable for the transition to clean transportation!

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Public Transit

A clean and just transportation future must expand access to reliable, affordable, and pollution-free public transportation choices so riders in urban and rural communities alike can arrive on time. It's also critical to ensure that transit workers have access to family-sustaining, union jobs.

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Clean Vehicle Programs: State Tracker

Momentum is building! Several states across the country are moving forward with programs to deliver cleaner air to their residents and clean up polluting cars and trucks, including large pickup trucks, delivery trucks, and semi-trucks. 

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Compact mixed-use communities promote riding transit, biking, walking, scooting, and carpooling.

Land Use & Walking/Biking

Sierra Club chapters nationwide are working with cities, regions, states, and transit agencies to increase investment in biking, pedestrian, and public transit programs. Together, we can pass transportation policies that encourage smart growth and discourage sprawl to allow people to sustainably access jobs, housing, education, healthcare, nature, and community.

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September 28, 2023

NEW YORK CITY – Today, the New York City Council unanimously passed the Zero-Emission Vehicles for New York City (ZEV4NYC) Act.

September 28, 2023

WASHINGTON, DC - Today, the Environmental Protection Agency announced another $500 million in rebates for the Clean School Bus Program, which offers funding for school districts to purchase clean school buses, install charging…

September 14, 2023

This Thursday and Friday, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit is holding oral arguments on challenges from fossil fuel industry groups, ethanol industry groups, and Republican states on various clean car rules.

August 11, 2023

Boston, MA - Yesterday the Healey-Driscoll Administration announced a series of new rebates as a part of the Massachusetts Offers Rebates for Electric Vehicles Program (MOR-EV).

August 7, 2023

NATIONWIDE – Today, the Sierra Club released an updated statement on rail, outlining a series of recommendations to improve both passenger and freight rail, as well as expand rail electrification. The statement is a resource for policy makers,…