Press Releases

February 21, 2024

Evansville, IN -- The Sierra Club and Environmental Integrity Project (EIP) filed a motion today to intervene in the State’s lawsuit against the Alcoa Warrick aluminum smelting plant in Indiana for repeated violations of Indiana and federal clean water laws. The groups are taking this action to finally end Alcoa’s pollution of the Ohio River with toxics like mercury and to ensure that the company will be held accountable for its 100+ permit violations over the last two years.

January 10, 2024

Journalists invited to attend event from 12-2 p.m. on Wednesday 1/17 in Capitol Visitor Center

December 14, 2023

Proposed rules help clarify how companies can utilize the Advanced Manufacturing Production Credit

December 12, 2023

GSA pilot project encourages industries to clean up manufacturing, invest in workforce

December 7, 2023

Coons, Tillis bill directs resources to R&D, advances grants and government purchasing authority

December 7, 2023

Banks risk stranded assets, climate catastrophe in steel lending without exclusions

December 7, 2023

Paper compares recent bills introduced in Congress, IDing strengths and shortcomings of proposals

December 6, 2023

Whitehouse, DelBene’s bill puts fee on products that exceed U.S. average carbon intensity

December 5, 2023

Letter comes amid reports that talks between U.S. and EU have stalled

December 1, 2023

Monday, December 4, is Trade Day and Tuesday, December 5, is Industry and Energy Day at COP 28