Lower Rio Grande Valley Group

 Holly BeachWe make our homes in a region with some of the most biologically diverse habitat in the United States. Our stretch of rio flows through the South Texasbrushland from Laredo to Boca Chica at the Gulf of Mexico, creating riparian forests of cedar elm and Texas ebony, palm-lined wetlands and resacas, and a rich estuary on the coast. The Central and Mississippi migratory flyways converge here to bring hundreds of bird species to the area each spring and fall. It is also the northernmost range of many subtropical birds and butterflies, which are found nowhere else in the United States. We share the land with many threatened and endangered species, including the star cactus, the ocelot, and the brown pelican.


Meet and Greet December 10th, 2022

Come join us for great food and drinks! This is an excellent opportunity to meet Sierra Club members and the Executive Committee. If you've been curious about the Sierra Club and getting involved this event is for you!

El Hueso Del Fraile, Brownsville TX

December 10th,  4:00-6:00


LRGV Executive Committee Elections

Are you interested in serving on the Executive Committee? Fill out the following form to be placed on the ballot for the election: https://tinyurl.com/lrgvnominate2022






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