The Houston Recycling Collaboration and "All Plastics" Collection

During the past year, the City of Houston joined industry and recycling companies to develop the "Houston Recycling Collaboration". This new collaboration between government, industry, and the community aims to significantly increase Houston’s plastics recycling rate and help establish the city as a leader for both mechanical and advanced recycling processes.

This effort to advance plastic recycling methods is outlined in the City's press release:

Houston Recycling Collaboration (

One effort of this collaboration is a new "All-Plastic" Recycling Program that started Dec. 10, 2022, at the Kingwood Recycling Center.

This new drop off program allows residents to bag all types of plastic items (#1 through #7) together for recycling. Details for the program can be found at the following links:

Houston Recycling Collaboration (

Kingwood Recycling Center (

Houston Recycling Collaboration launches first Cyclyx 10 to 90® program, expanding collection to nearly all plastics in Kingwood, Texas, community (

Note: I assume that this "ALL plastic" collection is a work in progress, and that not all of what is collected may actually get recycled.

But it will simplify the decision-making process for citizens and allow a greater percentage of plastics to be recycled.

Related articles on the "Houston Recycling Collaboration" and new plastic recycling developments: 

Plastics companies, Houston sign chemical recycling MOU (

Exxon's Baytown facility finds new ways to break down plastic as consumers demand better recycling (

For questions or comments, contact Frank Blake at


Photo by David Nelson/Alamy.