Bay Area Sierra Club Meeting: New iOS Features for Naturalists

Bay Area Sierra Club Meeting: New iOS Features for Naturalists

Wednesday, November 16, 7:00 pm

The November meeting will be conducted via Zoom.

(no in-person meeting)

Starts 6:30 pm for social time; 7:00 pm for program.

Here is the link for the meeting on Zoom:

November 16 Program:

New iOS Features for Naturalists

On November 16, Clif Grim will discuss new iOS (iPhone Operating System) features for naturalists.

Some topics Clif will discuss are:

Photo app – automatic plant and animal identification.

Photo app – object copy and paste in photos.
And various neat things you can do with an iPhone.

Clif will also talk a bit about using the iNaturalist app.

Clif spent 36 years at IBM in the NASA space business. Retired now, he divides his time between developing iOS applications, long distance motorcycling, teaching iPhone/iPad use, photography, building a camper van and just recently building a house in Nassau Bay. Clif volunteers at the Armand Bayou Nature Center and his Bay Area Unitarian Universalist Church. Clif and his wife Terry like to van camp and backpack on the Appalachian Trail.

Anyone who may have specific questions on the topic is asked to send their questions

ahead of time to

Bay Area meetings are on 3rd Wednesday of the month and start at 6:30pm for social hour; speaker and discussion from 7-8:30 pm.