Online Houston Monthly Meeting: Update on Sea Turtles in the Gulf of Mexico

Online Houston Monthly Meeting: Update on Sea Turtles in the Gulf of Mexico
Zoom meeting, link access below 
Thursday, July 14, 7:30pm - 9:00pm
This meeting will be conducted using Zoom. Everyone is welcome.
7:15 - 7:30 pm: Time for log in, announcements, meet & greet.
Featured program presentation starts at 7:30 pm
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July 14 Program Topic:
Update on Sea Turtles in the Gulf of Mexico with Turtle Island Restoration Network
On July 14, Joanie Steinhaus, the Gulf Program Director for the Turtle Island Restoration Network will provide an update on the situation with sea turtles in the Gulf. The Turtle Island Restoration Network celebrated 30 years of ocean conservation projects in 2019, and this presentation will cover their work in the Gulf of Mexico.
Five of the seven threatened or endangered sea turtles are found in the Gulf of Mexico; learn how your actions can make a difference to protect their terrestrial and marine environment and how you may become involved in ocean conservation projects.
The photo with this notice is of Joanie Steinhaus at Rancho Nuevo in Mexico - the main nesting area for the Kemp's ridley sea turtle.
Feel free to log in early, 7:15pm or so, if you are new to using Zoom, or have other questions.