ONLINE Houston Monthly Meeting: Update on Attwater Prairie Chicken Reintroduction

ONLINE Houston Monthly Meeting: Update on Attwater Prairie Chicken Reintroduction
Zoom meeting, link access below 
Thursday, March 10, 7:30pm - 9:00pm
This meeting will be conducted using Zoom. Everyone is welcome.
7:15 - 7:30 pm: Time for log in, announcements, meet & greet.
Featured program presentation starts at 7:30 pm
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March 10 Program Topic:
The Attwater Prairie Chicken NWR & Update on Prairie Chicken Reintroduction

On March 10th, Meredith Stroud on the staff at the Attwater Prairie Chicken National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) will update us on the current status of the critically endangered Attwater's Prairie Chicken and the Wildlife Refuge itself.  The Attwater Prairie Chicken NWR, located approximately 60 miles west of Houston near Eagle Lake, is home to one of the last populations of the endangered Attwater's Prairie Chicken, a ground-dwelling grouse of the coastal prairie ecosystem.  Hurricane Harvey had serious impacts on the population of prairie chickens on the Refuge, greatly reducing their numbers. But in the years since, the populations have bounced back providing new hope that a sustainable population can be maintained in the wild. 
Here is a good comprehensive article from April 2021 that describes recent developments:
Texas’ Attwater’s Prairie Chicken Wild Population Reaches 28 Year High:
Meredith Stroud studied Wildlife and Fisheries Science at Texas A&M University and developed an interest in the Attwater's Prairie Chickens. 
After serving a couple on internships at the Attwater Prairie Chicken NWR, she was hired as staff with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service at the Refuge.
Her experience at the Refuge is summarized at this link (scroll down to locate Meredith Stroud):
The official website for the Refuge: 
Some good videos about the breeding and reintroduction efforts: 
Feel free to log in early, 7:15pm or so, if you are new to using Zoom, or have other questions.