ONLINE Houston Monthly Meeting: Memorial Park Land Bridge and Prairie Project

ONLINE Houston Monthly Meeting: Memorial Park Land Bridge & Prairie Project
Zoom meeting, link access below 
Thursday, January 13, 7:30pm - 9:00pm
This meeting will be conducted using Zoom. Everyone is welcome.
7:15 - 7:30 pm: Time for log in, announcements, meet & greet.
Featured program presentation starts at 7:30 pmRegister in advance for this meeting:
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January 13 Program Topic:
Memorial Park Land Bridge & Prairie Project
On January 13, Desiree Alejandro of the Memorial Park Conservancy will discuss and provide updates on current projects in Memorial Park. 
The Land Bridge and Prairie Project has made significant progress and should soon mark a major milestone. It is expected that the land bridge tunnels will be completed and open for traffic in early 2022, probably sometime in February. The focus will then shift to modifying the landscape around the tunnels and establishing the planned native prairie, which will increase the park's biodiversity and facilitate storm water retention. This land bridge over Memorial Drive will re-connect the north and south portions of the park, greatly enhancing the park experience and accessibility for users, and providing safe pathways for wildlife. The highly trafficked Memorial Drive with fast moving vehicles has been an intimidating barrier for all park users and a lethal threat to wildlife. Fortunately, the value of land bridges and wildlife crossings has become increasingly recognized, and projects have been spreading across the country. There is even funding in the recently passed Infrastructure bill in Congress to help fund more wildlife crossing projects.
Links related to Memorial Park Project:
Feel free to log in early, 7:15pm or so, if you are new to using Zoom, or have other questions.