SUN Report and Tool for Pricing Tx Electricity Plans

Solar United Neighbors (SUN) recently released a new report and tool for Texas solar homeowners, and those considering going solar. As you may know, figuring out solar savings in the Texas deregulated market is a big challenge due to the absence of net metering and the constant flux in retail electricity plans and pricing.  The Texas Solar Homeowners Savings Report explains the challenge, and gives detailed guidance to help homeowners navigate the energy market to find the best plan to maximize their savings. 
Lessons from real Texas solar owners:
Switching to the right retail plan saved homeowners an average of $390/year.

Solar costs and savings can vary dramatically for Texans depending on which retail electricity plan you choose. While the state’s deregulated electricity market means retailers compete for your business, hundreds of plan choices and confusing details mean many current or prospective solar owners don’t know either where to start or what adding solar means for their utility bills. Investing in local energy solutions like rooftop solar improves the reliability of the energy grid, but the economics of rooftop solar in Texas varies dramatically, based upon a customer’s selected retail plan.
The report includes this useful free tool: FIND THE RIGHT RETAIL ELECTRICITY PLAN, which helps homeowners maximize their solar savings by providing an analysis on which retail plan on the market is the best fit for their situation and energy usage.
Solar United Neighbors (SUN) is a unique non-profit that helps individuals or neighborhoods go solar by forming local co-ops, which are free to join.
SUN began its work a decade ago. Today, SUN helps thousands of homeowners across the country go solar each year.
You can contact SUN by email at:
Solar United Neighbors in Texas website: 
Main website for Solar United Neighbors: