A National Conservation Organization Features Photos of Houston Area Wetlands


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1 - Hibiscus in Bloom, Lake Charlotte, near Anahuac, TX

2 - Pickerelweed, South of Mud Lake, near Anahuac, TX

3 - Swamp Lilies, Lake Charlotte, near Anahuac, TX

4 - Water Spider, Lake Charlotte, near Anahuac, TX

5 - A Cypress Silhouette, Lake Charlotte, near Anahuac, TX

6 - Cypress in the Rain, Lake Charlotte, near Anahuac, TX

7 - Giant Mayfly, Lake Charlotte, near Anahuac, TX

8 - A Gnarly, Old Growth Bald Cypress Tree, San Bernard River, TX

9 - A Very Large Bald Cypress Tree, San Bernard River, TX


Sometimes we overlook the natural riches that are right here in our own back yard. Because they have become familiar to us, we sometimes forget that they are also worthy of notice by a much wider audience.

The Association of State Wetland Managers is a nonprofit membership organization established in 1983 to promote and enhance protection and management of wetland resources, to promote application of sound science to wetland management efforts, and to provide training and education for its members and the public. As part of its celebration of American Wetlands Month in May, the Association asked its members to submit photos of wetlands. Several images featuring our local wetlands made it onto its Facebook page, and one of them, “Hibiscus in Bloom,” was featured front and center in the organization’s May/June 2021 newsletter. 

These photos were all taken between June and November of 2020. You can just relax and enjoy them as they pass by in this article’s slide show, or you can read a little more about each one of them below. 

1-Hibiscus in Bloom

Lake Charlotte, near Anahuac, TX

Hibiscus in bloom along the eastern shore of Lake Charlotte.


South of Mud Lake, near Anahuac, TX

Pickerelweed blooms deep in the cypress swamp.

3-Swamp Lilies

Lake Charlotte, near Anahuac, TX

Swamp lilies in bloom along the eastern shore of Lake Charlotte.

4-Water Spider

Lake Charlotte, near Anahuac, TX

A spider masters surface tension.

5-A Cypress Silhouette

Lake Charlotte, near Anahuac, TX

Rain approaches across the lake from the west.

6-Cypress in the Rain

Lake Charlotte, near Anahuac, TX

A sudden rain sweeps across the lake.

7-Giant Mayfly

Lake Charlotte, near Anahuac, TX

The big day for a hatch arrives.

8-A Gnarly, Old Growth Bald Cypress Tree

San Bernard River, TX

Twisted cypress trunks and knees near Bates Allen Park south of Kendleton, Texas, stimulate a paddler’s imagination.

9-A Very Large Bald Cypress Tree

San Bernard River, TX

Located near Bates Allen Park south of Kendleton, Texas, this is possibly the largest bald cypress tree in the state.