How to Submit a Complaint about the I-45 Expansion

The I-45 expansion is currently being investigated for racial discrimination by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). YOU can help FHWA find the extent of discrimination by sharing your story in a Title VI complaint. Here is an easy-to-read guide to filing a maximally effective complaint. By answering the questions about how the highway affects you and your family, you can provide human data to the FHWA that can decrease the likelihood of them finding the project compliant with Title VI. This can lead to the withdrawal of funding and the cancellation of the project. If you are a person of color and live or work near the highway, please take 5 to 10 minutes to submit a complaint on FHWA’s website.

Recap: This is the third article in a series on I-45 highway expansion. The first article in the series focused on the project’s impacts on residents and schools, while the second focuses on legal updates and impacts on other community organizations and businesses.

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