Welcome to our New Executive Committee Members

Welcome to Alex Boyce, Devika Taneja, and Carol Woronow, our new Houston Group Executive Committee Members for 2021. Also welcome back to Melanie Oldham, who is returning for a 2-year term in 2021.

Alex Boyce is our Volunteer Coordinator. Devika Taneja is our Membership Chair. Carol Woronow is our Bayou Banner newsletter editor and temporary Houston Group webmaster. Melanie Oldham is the past Group Air Quality Chair and former Group Delegate to the Lone Star Chapter.

Arjumand Mubarrak, Alex Paul, and Linda Mundwiller will continue in their second year on the Executive Committee in 2021.

Two of our Executive Committee members elected in 2020 have been unable to continue for the second year of their 2-year term, so the Executive Committee will be appointing new members to complete our 9-member committee.