Bay Area Sierra Club Meeting: Jim Blackburn: Virus Vigil, Poetry from the Pandemic

Bay Area Sierra Club Meeting:  
Jim Blackburn: Virus Vigil, Poetry from the Pandemic
Wednesday, February 17, 7:00 pm
The February meeting will be conducted via Zoom.
(no in-person meeting)
Starts 6:30 pm for social time; 7:00 pm for program.
February Program:
Jim Blackburn: Virus Vigil, Poetry from the Pandemic

Jim Blackburn, Houston environmental attorney and poet, will read and reflect on a recent project with artist friend Isabelle Scurry Chapman to create 'Virus Vigil,' a website that features their joint love of words, art and birds, to ease the challenge of enduring a pandemic. Isabelle Scurry Chapman will also join Jim for the the program.
Virus Vigil, Jim Blackburn's website:  
How two Houstonians are turning a pandemic into poetry, Houston Chronicle article:
Bay Area meetings are on 3rd Wednesday of the month, and start at 6:30pm for social hour; speaker and discussion from 7-8:30 pm.

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