ONLINE Houston Monthly Meeting: Flaring & Methane Pollution in Texas’ Permian Basin

ONLINE Houston Monthly Meeting:
Flaring & Methane Pollution in Texas’ Permian Basin
Zoom meeting, link access below 
Thursday, January 14, 7:30pm - 9:00pm
This meeting will be conducted using Zoom. Everyone is welcome.
7:15 - 7:30 pm: Time for log in, announcements, meet & greet.
Featured program presentation starts at 7:30 pm
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January Program Topic: 
Tackling Climate Change: Addressing Flaring & Methane Pollution in Texas’ Permian Basin

Join Emma Pabst with Environment Texas on a journey to and from Texas’ Permian Basin, where oil and gas are pumped out of the ground, into the air, and shipped through vast networks of pipelines that fuel homes, businesses, and dangerous petrochemical facilities across the state.

Producing hydrocarbon gas is creating enormous problems for Texas. The huge amount of water required for gas extraction, frequent and damaging wastewater spills and earthquakes linked to disposal, family farms and ranches seized for pipelines, and the air pollution, fires and explosions at petrochemical plants, all add up to significant damage to our air, water and land.
We’ll take a deep dive into this fossil fuel pollution; where it comes from, why it’s dangerous, and what we can do about it. Afterwards, we’ll write letters to our legislators -- with oil prices at historic lows, now is a better time than ever to make our voices heard. Join us in urging Texas’ leaders to step up and regulate an industry that’s reigned Texas politics for far too long.

About our Speaker: Emma graduated from the University of Texas at Austin where she earned a BA in African Diaspora Studies and a minor in Rhetoric with a focus on environmental racism. Emma leads Environment Texas' global warming campaigns, including their work to reduce climate pollution from oil and gas drilling in Texas. Currently, she's working to take on flaring and venting in the state, as well as pressuring University of Texas and Texas A&M to reduce methane emissions on university-owned land.
How to lobby your legislator; Link to a letter writing campaign action guide:   

Feel free to log in early, 7:15pm or so, if you are new to using Zoom, or have other questions.