Sierra Club Endorses Michael Moore for Harris County Commissioner Precinct 3

The Houston Sierra Club has examined the positions and record of the candidates in the Harris County Precinct 3 race and concluded that Michael Moore is the candidate in close alignment with Sierra Club values and goals. He deserves our active support.
This is an important position and election. Harris County Commissioners, as the decision makers for the most populous county in the state, play a very significant regional role by determining development policy, environmental planning and enforcement, and the distribution of resources and services.     
Sierra Club was one of the sponsors of an online Environmental Candidate Forum on August 20, where the candidates responded to a wide range of questions including those on improved air quality monitoring, industrial accident response, climate change action, flood control methods, equity in county services, and community engagement.
The Sierra Club also wrote up its own extensive candidate questionnaire, and solicited the candidate's responses. After reviewing the candidate's responses in both the online forum and to the Sierra Club questionnaire, we concluded that Michael Moore provided the more engaged and positive responses to our concerns.
Of particular note, Michael Moore agreed with the need for Harris County to develop its own Climate Action Plan, in order to complement and build on the Climate Action Plan initiated by the City of Houston.  Moore has committed to support nature based approaches to help address area flood control issues, and to increased efforts to preserve and expand the conservation lands on the Katy Prairie, which play an important role in area flood control management. He also supports improved transit and alternate transportation options, improved community wide health and wellness programs, and improved equity in the distribution of county projects and services. 
Michael Moore served as Chief of Staff in the administration of Houston Mayor Bill White, where he played a key role in the successful fight to reduce the amount of benzene and butadiene (both cancer causing) that were released into the air. Bill White, with Michael Moore's assistance, stood up with other cities to stop the permitting of 8 new coal fired power plants.
Michael Moore on protecting the Katy Prairie and natural storm water infrastructure.
Michael Moore candidate website:
You can play a pivotal role in this election year. Visit the Turn Texas Green website for information on Sierra Club endorsed candidates and how you can help: