ONLINE Houston Monthly Meeting: Green Approaches to make Houston Flood & Climate-Resistant: What can be done?

On Thursday, October 8, 7:30pm - 9:00pm, a panel will discuss the monthly online program topic: what can be done for green approaches to make Houston flood and climate-resistant.
This meeting will be conducted using Zoom (link below).  Everyone is welcome.
Feel free to log in early, 7:15 pm or so, if you are new to using Zoom, or have questions about the Houston Sierra Club.
Three panelists will participate:
Amanda Fuller, Deputy Director, Gulf Restoration Program (Austin), National Wildlife Federation
Laura Patino, Chief of Staff for Recovery and Resilience, City of Houston
Cyrus Reed, Interim Director & Conservation Director, Lone Star Chapter, Sierra Club

Amanda Fuller will provide an overview of green or natural infrastructure and some examples of other jurisdictions that have been leaders, as well as the opportunities today with the combination in Houston of local money, Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) efforts and the General Land Office (GLO), to implement new, 'greener' approaches.  Laura Patino will talk about particular efforts by COH on stormwater green infrastructure and the adoption of "Resilient Houston", the city's resilience strategy.  And Cyrus Reed will talk about how new building design and codes is an emerging and important climate resilient strategy, and some of the challenges in Texas.
Related document links are below.
National Wildlife Federation, The Protective Value of Nature:
Link to Houston Incentives for Green Development: 
(and Houston) with implementing energy-efficient, climate-resistant, water-saving new buildings. 
Join Zoom Meeting at this link:
Meeting ID: 707 283 4745
Passcode: SierraClub
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