Neighborhood Witness

Get alerts to help report air pollution violations in our area! 
Neighborhood WitnessIn 2016, a coalition of like-minded organizations established to make it easier for Texans living near a petrochemical plant to monitor and report violations. Air pollution is making people sick – especially children, senior citizens and people with respiratory problems.  But companies won’t install better controls to stop these unauthorized emissions until nearby communities speak up.
You can help champion clean air and hold polluters accountable through the Neighborhood Witness webpage. In just a few clicks, Neighborhood Witness empowers you to become an on the ground activist, pushing state and local officials to ensure your right to clean air. Sign up here to receive illegal pollution email alerts for your neighborhood. We’ll let you know which plants near you are violating the law, then you can report the polluter to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and urge them to ensure your right to clean air. We need your help to hold polluters accountable and safeguard clean air for all Texans, so sign up and follow us today!