We All Must Move On Sometime – Leave Your Mark!

By Brandt Mannchen

We all must move on, eventually.  This thought came into my head recently when I went to the funeral of my cousin, Jarvis Jenkins, who died at 92.  I was surprised at the funeral to see a Sierra Club membership renewal form displayed.  Jarvis had told me years ago that she donated to the Sierra Club.  I did not realize that she had done so for almost 10 years.

It made me proud that someone who was in their 80’s had decided that protection of the environment, reduction of climate change, and concern for endangered species was important, even toward the end of her life, and that she was willing to volunteer her dolalrs for these worthy principles.

I am now 67.  As I decided many years ago, I too am “hurtling toward mortality”.  No one wants their lives to end.  Living with my family, friends, and others is a joy and being graced with visits and walks in awe in the natural world that I am a part of makes me feel connected, at home, and at ease.

My cousin Jarvis felt the same way.  What is important is that we persevere, struggle, and change as our life is lived.  One way to do this is to join with others to push forward for positive, progressive, change.  That is what we can do as members, donors, and volunteers with the Sierra Club.

We can speak up for those, animals, plants, and other living forms of life (people included), who do not have a voice in our Society.  Think of how your can speak up and volunteer with the Sierra Club.  Leaving a legacy lived through service and volunteer work to make our “Planet” better will not only make you feel good but will be appreciated by all life in our World.  Leave your mark!  Make 2020, with the Sierra Club, the year of change, service, and volunteering.