The Houston Sierra Club is Changing, and That is Good!

By Brandt Mannchen

This is my last article as Chair for the Houston Sierra Club (HSC).  I did not run for the Executive Committee (ExCom) for 2020 and cannot be Chair.  2019 was a very challenging year for me.  The last time I was Chair of the HSC was 37 years ago.  To say that I was a bit “rusty” is an understatement!  But thanks to all the volunteers the effort was well worth the time.  Thank you!  You will still see me around.  I have not disappeared and do not intend to.  I would like to spend more time writing, reading, and traveling with my significant other.   

The Old Guard in the HSC is passing on, changing, and new folks are coming aboard.  People who have been with the HSC for decades are no longer on the ExCom, have reduced their responsibilities, or have focused on certain responsibilities instead of the others they have so ably carried out for years.  

This is good and is an evolution for the HSC.  We need new people with fresh ideas from all ages and walks of life to support our “Big Tent” philosophy.  In part, we are defining or redefining who the HSC is.  This has always happened and occasionally, like now, occurs in what seems like a short period of time. 

We have a newly elected ExCom with several new members.  Welcome to all!  Let’s move on with rebuilding the HSC into the best environmental organization, the “Voice” of the environment, climate change, and environmental justice, in Houston, Texas.  Here are some of my ideas about how we can do a better job:

  1. Recruit, recruit, recruit; 
  2. Build fun/camaraderie into everything we do; 
  3. Provide Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about the HSC on our website; 
  4. Reinvent new member potlucks/events so we can meet and enjoy each other; 
  5. Emphasize a conservation issue monthly; 
  6. Provide a mentoring process for activists/advocates; 
  7. Recruit outings leaders, volunteer coordinator, air quality chair/committee, and climate justice chair/committee; 
  8. Revamp our AV equipment, screen, and microphone; and 
  9. Train HSC members on lobbying, fundraising, outings, and What is the Sierra Club.

As I say “farewell” as Chair my one message is, “Volunteer for the Houston Sierra Club”.  This is a life-changing and shaping experience and you will learn and expand as a person.  Better in every way.  See you on the trail!