Houston Sierra Club Annual Report

By Brandt Mannchen

This year the Houston Sierra Club (HSC) has worked to recruit new people and fill key positions.  That is and what will be the key to our success in the future.  Recruit, recruit, recruit!  Then train, retain, appreciate, and prevent volunteer burnout.

Our electronic volunteers now fill Publicity, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other slots and help us each day spread the word about the important work of the HSC.  Thanks to Alex, Heather, Brianna, Amanda, Franklin, Carol, and Frank, for their work as our electronic “Superstars”.  We need additional electronic volunteers so please contact us.

Our Bayou Banner is ably edited by Carol Woronow, a seasoned veteran.  We could use a “Webmaster” and if you are interested, contact Carol.  We also could use some Bayou Banner “Proofreaders” to make sure we get it right and “Environmental Writers” to submit articles for the Banner and our website.  Thanks to Amil for providing photos that run with our articles.

We have a new Political Committee that is six people strong (we can always use more help) and has undergone its baptism of fire with the Sylvester Turner for Mayor endorsement.  My hat is off to Arjumand, Doug, Sophie, Tom, Frank, and Melanie.  I look forward to more positive political actions in 2020.  Our support for the MetroNext bond issue was successful.  Mayor Turner is in a run-off so we need to keep up our support for his candidacy.

We had a successful “Sierra Social” at “Serenity Studios” in “The Heights” in June with almost 40 people in attendance.  Meredith, our Vice Chair, and our second Carol, our “Hospitality Chair”, did the heavy lifting on this.  Thank you indeed!

In August, we had a great workshop that focused on “Equity, Inclusion, and Justice” in the Sierra Club.  Thanks to the Lone Star Chapter, National Sierra Club, and Kristal for this.  While I am thanking Chapter staff, a big “shout-out” goes to Matt, Natalie, and Cyrus for helping us round off the ragged edges.  In addition, Kristen Schlemmer has ably represented the HSC as our delegate to the Coalition for Environment, Equity, and Resilience (CEER).  

Our programs have been very interesting and timely thanks to our Program Chair ,Jennie, and others who have suggested ideas that ultimately were turned into living, breathing, exciting, general meeting programs.

We have had programs on “Riverwoods”, MetroNext, Urban Wildlife, Alligator Snapping Turtles, etc., etc., etc.  If you have any suggestions send them to Jennie.  We still need a designated audio-visual Coordinator and Set-up/Take-Down Team for the general meeting so please let us know your interest. 

We have a new Meet and Greet Table Chair, Linda, to welcome members and visitors at our general meetings each month.  Our second Carol, continues to do a super job with “Hospitality”, at our general meetings and special events.  Thank you Carol, for filling our stomachs and our spirits!  A back-up would be a most appreciated volunteer.

Our “Outings Program” continues to introduce members and visitors to the natural and urban wonders in and around Houston via hikes, bikes, walks, nature study, environmental education, weekend outings, and car camping experiences.  We need new outings leaders and assistant leaders so please join us! 

We gave $1,000 to the Sam Houston Trails Coalition to help pay for two projects for the Lone Star Hiking Trail (LSHT), East Fork Bridge and the Trailhead/Parking Lot Rehabilitation Projects.  We will need volunteers in 2020 to restart our LSHT hiking and service programs.   

Our second Linda, continues to ably manage the affairs of the Bay Area Sierra Club Committee down in the Clear Lake Area.  They have their own meetings and programs and are a valued part of the HSC.  This is one way we can get the word out about the “glad tidings” that the Sierra Club brings.

We have successfully attended numerous environmental meetings.  Thanks to Tom Douglas our Water Quality Liaison and Bacteria Implementation Group (BIG) new member at the Houston-Galveston Area Council and Ken Kramer, our Region H Water Planning Group Liaison, for attending those meetings and keeping us apprised of what is happening.

We keep pushing the Corps to do better with protection and mitigation of wetlands in the Clean Water Act, Section 404 permit program.  We need volunteers to comment on these permits.  Let me know if you are interested. 

We continue to track the proposed clean-up of the San Jacinto River Waste Pits Superfund Site.  Galveston Bay, San Jacinto River, Highlands Community, and all of us deserve clean and safe water to fish, boat, drink, swim, and enjoy.

Our coastal conservation efforts have been focused on the “coastal barrier” or “Ike Dike” solution to storm surge.  We believe this is the wrong direction to follow.  The Corps has made some changes in the proposal that are better but do not adequately address climate change, flooding, storm surge, and sea level rise.  “Strategic withdrawal” needs to become a “go to” option for developed areas on the coast in hazardous places.

Evelyn, our Conservation Chair, has done an great job of bird dogging Harris County and the City of Houston so they will not only implement flood management solutions that work but also protect natural streams and water bodies and the wildlife and ecosystems that protect and inspire us.

We continue to push the U.S. Forest Service to be more careful in its management of our National Forests and Grasslands in Texas (NFGT).  A recent focus has been on the NFGT oil/gas leasing environmental impact statement process.  Thanks to Jim for talking to others about this and urging them to get involved.  More volunteers are of course needed.

The ExCom, our governing body, of Lorraine, Melanie, Kristen, Meredith, Arjumand, Jennie, Michael, and I, although one member short, have worked to ensure that all the above works.  Thanks to them all for their dedication and resolve.

Here’s to the HSC and 2020.  Onward to our destination!!!