Lorraine Gibson Steps Down From Houston Sierra Club Executive Committee

After over 20 years, Lorraine Gibson, the Houston Regional Group of the Sierra Club’s (HSC) Treasurer, and so much more, has decided not to run for the Executive Committee (ExCom).  The ExCom is the governing body of the HSC which makes decisions about conservation, fundraising, budget, political, policy, and administrative actions.

Lorraine has been in the middle of the action for years.  Lorraine has not only been on the ExCom and Treasurer for over 20 years she has been an active outings leader, led the way in helping the HSC to fundraise for many years, has been an Inner City Outings supporter, and has ensured that the HSC has not only stayed solvent but has moved forward with volunteer, conservation, and political efforts.

The HSC not only appreciates Lorraine’s long-time efforts but acknowledges that we would not be able to handle our conservation priorities without her skill, knowledge, and constant support.

Lorraine is going to spend more time with her family and better half, and attend to her personal needs.  Next year the HSC will find a volunteer to take over the Treasurer’s duties.  The truth is that Lorraine is irreplaceable. We will miss her.  We hope we will see her more during outings and perhaps even a restarted ICO.

Thank you, Lorraine, for all you have done and continue to do for the Sierra Club.  You da’ best!


Author: Brandt Mannchen