Houston Sierra Club Gives Lone Star Hiking Trail Bridge/Trailhead Projects a Donation

On October 24, 2019, the Houston Sierra Club Executive Committee (ExCom) voted unanimously to donate $1,000 for the Lone Star Hiking Trail (LSHT) East Fork of the San Jacinto River Bridge and Parking Lot/Trailhead Rehabilitation Projects.

The LSHT East Fork bridge was damaged many years ago by a flood.  The bridge has been closed since that time and hikers must wade across the East Fork.  If there is high water or dangerous conditions, no hiking is possible. 

Fourteen LSHT parking lots and trailheads have not been maintained adequately for many years.  This has resulted in soil erosion, muddy parking, a lack of signs and fences, and deteriorated conditions.  

The 65-foot bridge will cost $250,000 to replace.  A grant for $200,000 has been obtained from Texas Parks and Wildlife Department by the Sam Houston Trails Coalition (SHTC) for the bridge.  Additional funding is needed to cover the total cost of the bridge.  To rehabilitate the fourteen parking lots and trailheads about $62,000 is needed.

The Houston Sierra Club will send the donation to the SHTC where it will be applied to both projects.  The Houston Sierra Club encourages its’ members and non-members who like to hike and want to help in this effort to donate money to fund these projects. 

For more information please contact Brandt Mannchen at 281-570-7212 or brandt_mannchen@comcast.net.

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