Extended Public Comment Period to November 29, 2019 to Protect Your National Forests and Grasslands from Oil/Gas Exploitation

Due to website problems, the U.S. Forest Service (FS) has extended the public scoping comment period to November 29, 2019 for the National Forests and Grasslands in Texas (NFGT) oil/gas leasing environmental impact statement (OGLEIS).  Submit your comments and “Speak Up” now to “Cool Down” our “Over Heated” climate! 

This public process can protect our climate, forests, grasslands, water, air, endangered species, game and non-game wildlife, recreational activities, scenic areas, solitude, quiet, and wilderness in East Texas from oil/gas exploitation. 

The FS will analyze impacts on the NFGT from roads, drill pads, pipelines, flares, compressors, seismic testing, drilling, truck traffic, air pollution, oil/chemical spills, fragmented/destroyed habitat, noise/light pollution, compacted/eroded soils, sediment run-off, and industrial accidents (fires/explosions) due to oil/gas exploitation.  The Sierra Club recommends the following public input to the FS:

1) You support a “No Leasing Alternative” (keep it in the ground).

2) The FS must address climate change mitigation and adaptation measures.

3) The FS must implement the best, "best management practices" for oil/gas exploitation.

Have family, friends, and you submit comments by November 29, 2019 to protect our NFGT from oil/gas exploitation.  Send your comments to:  Mr. Robert Potts, Oil/Gas EIS Project, NFGT, 2221 N. Raguet St., Lufkin, Texas 75904 or to robert.potts@usda.gov.  

For more information contact Brandt Mannchen, Houston Sierra Club, at 281-570-7212, brandt_mannchen@comcast.net.  Thanks for your help in saving our public forests!

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